Finding my own photography style!
I have known for a long time that street photography is what I love and enjoy, but up until recently it has always been about colour and reflections. I stumbled into black and white photography when I went into London spent hours walking around taking shots that I though looked amazing on my camera screen, then when I got home and transferred them to light room, I hated every picture I had taken. I no this happens to the best of the best, but its still frustrating!! I decided to transfer the best of what I had into black and white thinking nothing could save them and I had wasted a whole day and an expensive train ticket. The photos were far from my best, but I liked the style, I liked the way the light looked in black and white, the textures, and the way some of the reflections had a real shine to them. I like that the eye wasn't distracted by a multitude of colours. I decided my day was not wasted it gave me the confidence to learn the settings on my camera to shoot in black and white and go out again and see what I could create in this style.